“Empowering girls is the key to economic growth, political stability and social transformation.”

Sankalp aims to  promote women’s sense of self-worth, their ability to determine their own choices, and their right to influence social change for themselves and others.

It is closely aligned with female empowerment – a fundamental human right that’s also key to achieving a more peaceful, prosperous world.

 According to the society, women’s responsibility is only towards their family not towards the society/country. Earlier women were deprived of their rights. Women were treated as slave and always seen low as compared to men. But now Women’s empowerment and promoting women’s rights have emerged as a part of a major global movement and are continuing to break new ground in recent years. Since 2009 Sankalp foundation helps a lot of females to come forward and be a part of the society.



As per the UNESCO report of 2017-18, 35% of the world’s illiterate population resides in India. While the overall literacy rate works out to be 64.8 %, the male literacy rate is 75.3% and that for females is 53.7%, showing a gap of 21.6 percentage points between the sexes at the national level. Since 2005 Sankalp foundation has been working in that section to abolish the literacy rates. We run many short programs to educate the small kids in rural areas and urban slums. Even we teach women why education is important , it’s advantages and many more things. Education is necessary and you can get it at any age. Knowledge is a powerful tool. Many females in India who are uneducated Sankalp Foundation provide additional skills to them so that by learning these skills they can start their own business. We tried to show that they can earn by their talent which is present inside them.



Sankalp foundation conducts short term, often residential courses of 2-3 months, focusing on women and girls living in slum areas and rural areas. We tried to Create a high-level corporate leadership for gender equality. An environment ensures the health, wellbeing and safety of females. Many females living in rural or slum areas are facing the problem of diseases related to menstrual. They used clothes, sand or other pathetic methods which are not good for their health. These methods give birth to many peculiar diseases and create complications during the child birth. So Sankalp foundation tries to reach every section of the society which are not aware about the consequences of using these things.

Sankalp foundation also provides education to the girls living in slums and rural areas. We believe Girls who are educated can pursue meaningful work and contribute to their country’s economy later in life. They are also four times less likely to get married young when they have eight years of education, meaning that they and their families are healthier.

Sankalp Foundation has also initiated innovative models to impact the skilling ecosystem. These include an ‘Employment Awareness’ model targeted at adolescent girls and young women.



Reach and Scale

Sankalp foundation runs 9+ centres across states More than 26,000 students will be trained. Over the past ten years Sankalp Foundation training programs have helped nearly 20,000 girls and women across the country improve general employability skills, and more than 5,000 youth in industry specific trades. We have also developed partnerships with a large number of employers to offer entry-level jobs to our graduates.



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